Friday, July 28, 2006

Crib Napping - YAY

Landon had 2 naps in his crib yesterday, and is currently enjoying another one in there today! That is making me very happy!! If he keeps this up, we'll have to try an overnight in there some day soon. When mom's ready to have him in the other room overnight that is... heh heh
I'm just hoping we got his day/night schedule straightened out a bit. The other night he was up until 3:30 am! aiaiaiaiai Last night he went to sleep at 11:30, and I managed to keep him sleeping through the night, by nursing all night long. Very tiring. But, he stayed sleeping until 9:45 this morning, so hopefully we've got this thing a bit straighter. I wouldn't mind moving it all up another hour or hour and a half, but I am going to be happy with this 11:30 - 9:30 schedule for now!! LOL Especially with crib-napping going on!
I hear the little stinker starting to wake up here, so I'll have to go and get him. I'll try to post more later on....Until then! TK

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