Sunday, July 30, 2006

Good Sunday...

Things are going well here. Landon has been napping in his crib these past few days, and we've started to transition him there for the night. What I mean by that is that he starts out in his crib, for about an hour, then he wakes up and I bring him to bed with me :-) He was much better last night though, only woke up to eat twice (three times including the time he came to bed). I know that still sounds like a lot, but it was much better than the 4 or 5 times the previous 2 nights!! I am wondering if he went through a growth spurt or something, because he ate like crazy for the past few days, and now he seems a bit more 'normal' again. Does anyone know if there's a 5 month growth spurt?
We're starting to look into when we'll start cereals. I've actually bought some rice cereal, so we'll likely start in the next few weeks. I have mixed feelings about that - I'm excited to see Landon try this and move on to the next stage, but I am sad to think that he's already 'so big' to be starting cereal!! I kind of like being the sole source of food ... as much as I never thought I'd feel this way when he was first born!! LOL
He's starting to suck his thumb more and more now too. I have mixed feelings about that as well. We've struggled with him re: the soother for months. He will take it now for only short periods of time when he's falling asleep. He doesn't really want it at any other time. But he's been sucking (more like chewing actually) on his thumb more the past few days. I don't know if I should be chasing after him and plugging the soother in every time he sucks on his thumb, or if I should just let it be. He's almost 5 months and he hasn't developed a 'habit' either way really ... I don't know if the thumb-chewing is related to the onset of teething, or if he will start sucking it regularly. There are pros and cons to thumbs -vs- soothers, and I'm somewhat ambivalent. Of course, I do recognize that if I let him start sucking his thumb, in about 18 months I'll wish I had chased him around with a soother :-/ But on the other hand I could chase him around with the soother (like I've been doing for 4 months now) and he will still suck his thumb. *Shrug* Oh well...if only I could locate his instruction manual I would know just what to do :-)

That's the scoop from here this Sunday. I should go feed him, and then I think we'll fill up the pool and sit in the back yard and play. Hope you're having a good Sunday!! Take care...TK

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