Thursday, July 20, 2006

Landons New Trick...

Actually, Landon has 2 new tricks ... one good, one not-so-good. The good one: He's finally figured out why a jolly jumper is called a jolly jumper. That's right - he figured out the jumping part tonight and was jumping, Jumping, JUMPING! And loving it. It was great to watch him jump away.
The not-so-good ... he's decided that it's a good thing to wake up at 4 am and be awake for awhile. Not wide-awake or anything, just kind of not sleeping awake. Awake enough that I'm awake. Then he'll fall asleep for 5 or 10 minutes and wake up again. Just to make sure I'm awake. *sigh* Hopefully he'll outgrow this little phase sooner rather than later because I am one grumpy mama bear these days!
And I'm wanting to get some sleep as I'm hoping to paint our bedroom this weekend ... getting prepared to put the house up for sale. We've picked out countertops, and potentially some flooring. Nothing's final yet, but we are starting down that path.
We got Landon's SIN today ... finally. Now he's 'official' I guess, and we can submit it for his RESP and stuff. Maybe even get a bank account opened up for him soon. He's got some money from Grandma and Grandpa, Jason and Chris (crib winnings!) to put in his account, and he won some money on a lottery ticket from Grandpa too (yes ... Grandpa gave a $2.00 winner to mom, I've been playing on that $2.00 ever since with more $2 winners and free tickets, and finally won $20 last night for Landon). So we'll maybe have to get that sorted out soon.
Well, I'm gonna go check out the bathtime, see how Landons doing. He's been kicking and splashing so that John's pretty wet now too :-) Until next time.....

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