Thursday, July 13, 2006

We're home...

After a wonderful week at the cottage, we are home again. We actually got home on Sunday, but the week has continued to be busy so I haven't had a chance to post. Landon is just recovering from his first cold (break my heart), so we've been to the doctor twice this week, and not sleeping that much. Finally yesterday he got some good sleep (along with mommy), and he slept much better last night as well. Right now he is actually in his bed napping -- YAY! I'm hoping that we can get back to a 'routine' of sorts shortly, but while he's been sick I've been letting him sleep as late as he wants in the morning, meaning that he doesn't go to sleep well at night again. I can't blame him ... with a stuffy nose that he can't breathe out of and a sore throat, I'd be grumpy and miserable too.

The week at the cottage was wonderful though. We started out going to Uncle Neville's farm on July 1 for the day. It was a family event - spreading Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa's ashes at the marsh. Most of the family was there, so we had a good visit. Landon was pretty good throughout the day, but had a screaming festival that night - keeping most of the house awake. But once we got him to sleep it was fine and he slept well (after 2 am!).

Then on Sunday we came home to pack up the car to go to the cottage. Landon travelled so very well, sleeping the majority of the time he was in the car. We got to the cottage late in the day on Sunday. It was great ... a nice sized cottage that could fit all of us - as it needed to be!! Liz (John's sister), Rob, Thomson (2 1/2) and Isabel (11 months) were our weeklong cottage-mates, it was wonderful getting to spend time with them, and to have the cousins "play" together (as much as they can at Landon's young age!). In addition to us, we had Uncle Bob and Aunt Rosemary, Uncle Neville and Brian out there for Sunday and Monday. Then on Wednesday Darilyn, Larry and their kids Tyson (4) and Tiana (10 months) came out, Lori came with Elise (5) and Konnor (3 1/2), as did Uncle Neville, Brian and Aunty Margaret. We had a very full cottage - but it was so wonderful to have everyone there!! We spent some time at the beach, and then played on the HUGE dock for the rest of the day. We got some group photos which will be treasured forever.
The rest of the week was quieter, but we did have Aunty Margaret out again on Friday. It was so wonderful. The cottage was great, the boat dock was huge, the water was warm, and the week was wonderful. Landon napped very well all week, I could just put him in his hammock and he'd go to sleep. The night-time continues to be a struggle, but we're hoping to get that figured out now that we're home again -- once he's recovered from his cold that is.

That's the news here. I will get some pictures posted hopefully soon. I have them uploaded but need to go through them first. So check back in a couple of days.

Oh yeah -- the 4 month dr appt update: since Landon woke up with a fever on Monday morning, he didn't get his 4 month shots. We will take him in on July 25 for those (which will be a busy day, as John & I have dentist appointments that afternoon :-/). But he weighs in at 15 pounds, 4.5 ounces, and is 25 3/8" long. Aside from the cold, he's 100% healthy. He's grasping toys and flinging them around now, and of course everything goes into his mouth :-) He isn't laughing too much yet, but he will laugh briefly every now and again. Mostly it's his open-mouthed silent laugh that we get to enjoy.

Anyways ... better run. I hear Landon waking up from his nap, so I'd better go and feed him :-) Hope all is well with everyone ... take care!! TK

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