Saturday, July 15, 2006

Landon is getting better, slowly

Landon is still recovering from his cold, but at least he's on the recovery side of it. He's mostly stuffed up, which interrupts his sleep (particularly his night-time sleep). But he's sleeping more in his own bed (hammock) now ... his naps are all in there again, and last night he spent a good part of the night in there (waking every 2.5 hours to eat though :-/) I think we've got the 'routine' (if you could call it that) somewhat figured out. He's dropped his last 'nap' of the day, so we're at three --> a long one in the morning shortly after he gets up, his second in mid-afternoon is a bit shorter, then a 45 minute cat-nap in the early evening. He is then awake for about 4 hours of fun and bliss ... actually he's pretty happy during that time so we have lots of fun with him! Then a bath, some eats, a few songs, and to bed. Well, that's what we did tonight at least!! Tomorrow could be a completely different story! LOL What we do know is that going for a stroller-ride definitely makes him sleepy -- when we came home from our walk tonight he was falling asleep sitting up ... pretty cute! We took a couple of pictures.

It is so amazing how much he's learning so quickly these days. He can really grab onto things and hold them now ... while flailing his arms around! He's finding favourite toys, and will play with a specific toy for 10 or 15 minutes in a row. He particularly likes this tigger toy we have that makes noise when you pull on it. He loves songs too ... I can sing songs to him all day long. Actually - I think he has his father's love of music -- he stops whatever he's doing to listen to John play piano or guitar! And when he's excited he does what I call 'guitar hands' -- he holds his left hand in the air to the side and 'strums' by banging his right hand against his belly :-) It's pretty funny.

We found a new game to play today, too. We put an old mirror up against the entertainment centre and put Landon in front of it in his bumbo. He sat there cooing and squealing at the baby in the mirror for about 15 minutes! I think he would've happily continued 'playing', but we were headed over to Aunty Margaret's. I'm looking forward to putting him in front of the mirror again tomorrow :-)

That's the Landon report for tonight. Hope all is well with soon!! Take care...Tamara

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