Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Four Month Shots today...

Landon got his 4 month shots today. He was a real trooper - he didn't cry too too much :-( He's a bit fussy tonight, has a bit of a fever, but overall I think he's doing okay. He's definitely been sleeping today though - even when we were at the dentist! He's such a good baby :-) Now he's getting a bath, and then we'll do some play time and hopefully to bed at a decent time. He's been doing pretty well with going to bed at night - the screaming festivals have been minimal the last 2 nights (hopefully I didn't just jinx it!). We've found that he really enjoys looking at story books at night -- he lays in our bed with me and kicks his feet like crazy (I call it marathon legs, because it's a running motion!). Then we do some bouncing on the yoga ball with some singing, and then off to sleep. I hope this bedtime routine continues to work because I like it too. Last night he woke up after 45 minutes, but we think he was just cold. Tonight we'll bundle him up a bit more and see how that goes :-)

That's all the news from here for today. I'll try to get some pics uploaded soon. Take care...TK

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