Monday, July 17, 2006

Landon Report for July 17

Landon is such a cute little bug!! He actually woke up naturally this morning at 9:20 -- the earliest in many weeks! Must be because he went to sleep by midnight (with a short little wake-up period in there about 12:30 ... just long enough to get into mom and dad's bed :-/). It's amazing what going to sleep 'on time' will do. I know ... midnight might not seem like on-time, but it's better than the 1 and 2 am bed-times we had last week!! LOL And since he sleeps in in the mornings, it's not so bad. We will be working on moving that bed-time up a bit, but for now it works fine. It coincides nicely with our bedtime, and since he wants to sleep in our bed, with me beside him, it's fine. We think he doesn't like the dark ... he was sleeping fine until John turned out the light, then he woke up within minutes crying. He settled down when we turned the light on, started crying again when we turned it off. He may need to have a brighter night-light than what we have. We'll have to see. For now I'm just hoping that we can establish a consistent bed-time (that will be tough, as neither John nor I have a consistent bed-time!!), then we'll work on moving it up, then we'll work on his own bed, then we'll work on his own bed in his own room. By the time he's 10 we should be good :-P

He sure is a sleepy-head now though. He was up at 9:20, went down for his nap at 11, and is still asleep at 1:15!! But I'm sure he'll wake up hungry soon. It's kind of frustrating -- I don't think he goes this long overnight without eating, yet he'll do it now! He used to go 5 or 6 hours overnight between eats, but the last few weeks it's been 3 or 4 hours (when he was sick it was sometimes 2 hours!). Then after his first 'mid-night' meal (between 4 and 5 am), he's up in 2 hours to eat again, then again 2 hours after that!! I think when we get a more consistent bed-time, we can work on getting him 'better fed' leading up to bed-time, and then hopefully enjoy a longer stretch (or two) overnight. I don't feel sleep deprived though, because when he's in bed with me I barely wake up to feed him ... just snuggle up to him and go back to sleep. He does the rest :-)

Our friend Allison just called, and she's coming over for a visit for the afternoon, so that will be great! I'd better go and check on the sleepy-head. Will post more later ... along with some pics from in front of the mirror (too cute!!). Take care...TK

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