Sunday, July 23, 2006

We Did It!!

We did it!! We finally used our beautiful crib today! That's right -- Landon napped in his crib! The first time he's slept in there at all :-P He was tired, so I put him in there with the mobile on and took a load of laundry downstairs. By the time I went back upstairs he was sleeping. :-)
The next nap didn't go quite so well, so we put him back into his hammock, but at least he slept in there for one nap today! YAY
Everything else is going well. He's just as cute as ever...smiling and kicking and playing. He is loving his jolly jumper more and more now. And he loves to spend as much time as possible outside. I'll be filling up his little pool again tomorrow so we can sit in it. This all day in the house when it's so hot out doesn't go over well with him :-/
I'll have some more pics in a couple of days. Hope all is well where you are! Take care...TK

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