Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Still a feverish little Landon

Landon is definitely reacting more to these shots than he did his 2 months shots, that's for sure. He was feverish last night, so we gave him some Motrin. He fussed and fussed until he was too tired to fuss some more and he finally went to sleep. He was pretty good overnight - thanks to Motrin - but he was super-hot again this morning, and he had hives on one arm (I think ... red marks with white bumps anyways). So more Motrin, another bath, and we went back to bed for a few more hours. He seems to be better now ... the fever's gone -- don't know if he's kicked it or if it's the Motrin again -- and he's actually been up playing for an hour!! But he's not completely happy today, that's for sure. Pretty much a sucky-pants ... but I guess I'll let him be a sucky-pants for a day or so :-/ Hopefully he'll be better soon, makes me sad when he's feeling miserable ... and it makes me sleepy when we don't get much sleep LOL Ah well...

That's the quick note for today. I play ball tonight ... last game of the regular season - I can hardly believe it!! Play-offs start next week, so we'll see how much longer our season lasts. Until next time...TK

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