Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Busy Landon

Landon is a busy bugger these days! He just may crawl soon, as he hasn't been bum-scootching that much and is instead making tentative motions on his hand and knees. When he wants to get something, he gets on his hands and knees but then sits back down. It's like he's afraid if he moves on his hands and knees he won't be able to sit down - and that's a relatively new trick so he doesn't want to give it up!! But he's taking a few 'steps', mostly just walking his hands out and back in while he's on his knees, so maybe he'll get his knees figured out too. When he does get right onto his belly, he usually ends up going backwards, which frustrates him as he gets further away from whatever he wants, so he hasn't been doing much of that lately. It is so amazing to watch him learning and figuring out all of these things!!

We got our piano tuned today. Landon was priceless. The tuner would play some keys, Landon would bang on his toy piano and laugh. The tuner would play a few more keys, and Landon would bang on his piano and laugh some more. When that got tiring, Landon laughed and giggled and squealed while the tuner did his thing - he loved that someone was 'playing' the piano, and must've thought it was just for his listening pleasure!

John got our new tv stand put up last night, so the living room looks alot better. Landon explored it a bit tonight, he likes the pull knobs on the doors. But the components aren't behind glass (yet...John's working on fixing that), so Landon doesn't get free reign yet.

And Landon discovered the drawers on his dresser tonight, having fun pulling the bottom drawer out every time I closed it. He even pulled the box of diaper-pail bags right out of the drawer - I couldn't believe it!! So I cleared everything out of that drawer that he shouldn't get (like a strap from his diaper bag, the diaper-pail bags, etc), so if he wants to play in there, I guess I'll just have to let him play in there!!

Landon's developing a trick that I do NOT like though -- biting while nursing. OUCH does not even describe it. I'm trying not to over-react and am hoping that this will stop soon. If not, there may be a weaning on the horizon!!

That's the news from here today. Hope all is well with everyone!! Take care....TK

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