Monday, December 04, 2006

Standing up!

Landon succeeded in pulling himself up to standing, all by himself, today. He has been 'practising', using our legs and hands to get to standing for awhile now, but today he did it all by himself (with help from the crib). I was putting clothes away, turned around and he was standing there all proud. So proud that he squealed and reached for me, only to swing his face into the crib and dangle there by the one hand that hadn't let go :-) But no tears, just frustration because he fell over! I scooped him up and we did a celebratory dance, and he was very very proud to have stood up. I'm sure he'll be busy practising that skill over the next weeks, and he'll be able to show off quite suitably for everyone at Christmas :-D

We bought our tree today. Artificial ... at least for the first few years with kids ... heh heh. But it's pretty nice I think ... fake trees look better now than when I was a kid I think (although when I was a kid, that tree was magical!). So maybe John and I will put it up on the weekend.

Landon and I went for a nice walk today. We were gone for just about 2 hours, it was very nice out and it felt so good to stretch my legs. Landon just gawked at everything - it's been awhile since he's had a nice long walk. Now that he stays awake a bit longer it's easier to get something done during the day. Before he was only awake for ~2 hours, and by the time I fed him and changed him he was starting to get sleepy again! Now he's up for about 3 hours in the afternoon, giving us some time. But he wouldn't fall asleep in the stroller - those days may be gone. He was sooooo tired, but he just wouldn't close his eyes. He pretty much fell asleep on my shoulder as soon as I took him out of the stroller, but not in the stroller :-/

I'm hoping to get some Christmas shopping done over the next couple of days. I'm planning a trip to Toys-R-Us (heaven help us!!), and then I will focus on the adult shopping later in the week. Aiaiaiai ... I'm used to having most of my shopping done by now, but I've put it off due to the move (why move a pile of Christmas presents?). As long as I don't leave it until the 24th I guess...heh heh

That's the scoop from the Keller household today. Hope all is well with everyone out there. Nikki, keep posting so that I know when you don't post that you've had Eastynn!! I was starting to wonder already as it had been a few days...

Take care...until next time. TK

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