Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Landon's feeling better...

The little man is feeling a bit better today ... thank goodness! He got some good sleep last night, and his fever is gone. So the antibiotics must be doing their job :-)

I got my Xmas shopping done today ... phew! The mall wasn't too nuts, but I spent too much time there so the drive home doubled in time :-/ Ah well. Landon was the hit of the mall, so many people adoring him as he sat smiling in the stroller, clapping his hands :-) Too funny!!

Tonight he had a rougher night though -- he fell on his face in the dining room, so he has a big bruise on his forehead. Then a short while later he fell against a table and scraped the other side of his forehead. Poor bruiser! I gave him some extra cuddles before he went to bed :-)

So tomorrow is housecleaning - Friday is grocery shopping, then we'll get the sleeping quarters all ready and voila -- pandemonium shall begin Saturday afternoon :-) I can hardly wait!

Chat soon y'all! TK

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