Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dinnertime just got messier...

The days of 'clean' feeding have come to an end. Tonight we started Landon on some 'table food'. By table food, I mean we gave him some of our baked potato, which he gobbled up (and spilled everywhere) like a pro. So we gave him banana, and for the first time, Cheerios. He gobbled (and spilled everywhere) everything, and loved every minute of it. So dinnertime will now be messier, I'll have to think about feeding Landon more of what we eat, and it'll be longer. I think he was in the high chair for about 45 minutes!! LOL But he really enjoyed having the chance to feed himself, so we'll just go with it. I still spoon fed him veggies and cereal, to make sure he got his dinner, but he loved shoveling the extras in, two-fisting all the way!! LOL

We had a quiet Saturday at home, which was nice. Landon has been such an angel these days, I'm waiting for some teething pains, or a cold or something to set in here. We've been getting far too much sleep! I even had a nice 1.5 hour nap this afternoon. Aiaiai. I guess we might as well enjoy it while it lasts, before we know it it'll be Christmas and there'll be very little napping for a few weeks.

So that's the news ... not too much I guess. Just exciting that Landon is starting to feed himself. And he loves Cheerios. Fun fun Fun!! And the weather is supposed to warm up for a few days ... around zero tomorrow so we're hoping to go for a nice walk and check out the neighbourhood :-) Until next time...TK

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