Monday, December 18, 2006

Fun Weekend!

Well, we made it through John's Xmas party - it was a lot of fun!! And Landon kept his sitter busy, but wasn't too bad. He really struggled to get to sleep, in the end I helped the sitter out by coming to the room to sing a song and get him down. But I think he would've fallen asleep without my help shortly anyways, as he was already calming down when I got there. He slept very well though, not waking us up until 9:30 am (thankfully, as both of our heads were a bit swollen...). He didn't make strange with the sitter at all, and had lots of fun exploring the hotel room. We were on the 8th floor, and he really enjoyed looking out the window at the lights and the traffic. I was so relieved that this hotel stay was better than the first (at 3 weeks old, he cried and cried until 5 am!). and the party was so fun - it was great to get out and meet some new people :-D Sunday - not so fun! LOL But we made it through

Now Landon isn't feeling so well today. He woke up lots last night, just whimpering and whining. I didn't have to go get him or anything, he would get himself to sleep again, but I heard him many many times. He would whine, bounce his bed, quiet for a few minutes, and do this again. Well into the night he was whimpering and bouncing, so I don't know how much sleep he got. He was crying at 8 am, so I got up with him - he was feverish and miserable. I gave him a bath, some Motrin, and he slept for about 30 minutes after breastfeeding only to wake up crying big alligator tears :-( He was doing better after that nap though, had some cereal and played for a bit - but mostly he just wants mommy and is not himself. I don't know if it's teething (he is droooooooling and cheeeewwwwing!), or if he caught John's cold. My throat is a bit scratchy, so maybe that's how Landon is feeling. *shrug* Poor little monkey - I guess I'll have to spend the day spoiling him. I'm just glad he wasn't sick this weekend in the hotel room, and hopefully he'll be over whatever ails him by this weekend when everyone arrives!

And we're only one week until Christmas! Holy moly!! I guess we'll have to do some decorating this week :-/ And I MUST get my shopping done. I was planning on going today, but with Landon's mood I may have to put that off for a day or two. Maybe I'll just try to get the house ready today....

That's the news from here. Hope everyone is ready for Christmas (or really close to it)! I'll post soon....TK

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