Monday, December 18, 2006

Owie - Ear Infection :-(

Well, Landon had a pretty rough day yesterday. Thankfully he did have an hour and a half nap in the afternoon, as he woke up at 5 pm with a fever of 104.1 :-( Yikes that's high ... sponge bath and Motrin, and one very worried mommy! John and I took him to a walk-in clinic (2 hour wait), where we learned he has an ear infection. No wonder he was sooooo grumpy! Antibiotics for Landon :-( We came home, in the hopes of getting some sleep ... heh heh Idiots! Landon cried cried cried until he physically couldn't cry anymore, then he whimpered. Poor kid. He finally konked out shortly after 1 am, only to wake up crying at 2. He did finally get to 'sleep' about 2:40, and slept pretty well until 9, which was a god-send! He woke up no grumpy - maybe not exactly happy, but not grumpy. Grandma gave us some advice to help his ear feel better (warm oil on cotton - wish we'd have known that last night!), and Landon seems to be feeling better. At least he played on his own for a bit this morning, and went down for his nap with very little fussing. Poor bugger - broke my heart seeing him cry so hard! He kept looking at me like "Don't you get it? This really HURTS!!! FIX IT!!!!!". :-(

But - we did get him weighed at the dr office. Which was interesting ... a balance beam scale, he was screaming blue-bloody-murder on that thing, let me tell you! But he weighs about 21 pounds (she couldn't be exact because he was kicking and screaming and flailing!), so he's been gaining weight healthily for the past 6 weeks (which we knew he was). And when the pain wasn't unbearable, he was a super-cute little monkey!!

So that's the news ... getting ready for Xmas has some nice new stress to it this week :-/ I'm not too concerned though - I'll go finish Xmas shopping tomorrow, the malls will be insane, but I'll survive it I think. Today and Thursday are house-cleaning (as much as I'll get done today), and then final preps Sat and we'll be good. Hopefully John can get some Xmas lights up tonight or tomorrow night too - we have to dig those out of a box in the basement, they haven't been out for a couple of years! :-/

Hope everyone is well ... I'll post again soon! Take care...

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