Saturday, December 09, 2006

guess who's crawling...!

Landon started crawling today. And can he motor!! He's been on the brink for so long, and now that he figured it out there's no slowing him down!! He actually is on one knee and one foot, both hands. Now the 'real' child-proofing will begin. He's already explored beyond the living room now that he can really move, and is making his way into the kitchen. So everything will be put up and away right quickly here. And we'll have to be getting baby gates right away as well.

For learning to crawl, he's been pretty miserable all day. This morning he fell on the frame of his bed and bruised his cheek. Perhaps that's hurting him all day because he's just a fussing, crying, pain in the butt! We just put him down for a nap, hoping that he will wake up in a better mood. aiaiaiai Either his cheek is hurting, or maybe he's getting a tooth (although we can't see anything, and he hasn't been this fussy for any of his first 4), or maybe he has a bit of a tummy ache? We don't really know for sure...

I'm heading out tonight to see Carla and Tilly who are in town for the weekend at Kristi's. I'm very much looking forward to getting out for awhile. I'm actually planning to spend the night, and it'll be my first night away from Landon, so I have mixed emotions about it...I'll be up and speeding all the way home first thing tomorrow I'm sure :-)

That's the scoop from Calgary today. Hope all is well with everyone everywhere :-) TK

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