Thursday, December 21, 2006

Landon's getting better :-)

I had a dr appt this morning (one of those waste your time ones, but you have to go and 'see' the doctor to become a patient, whether you need to see the dr or not!) - and he checked Landon's ears while I was there. The infection is clearing up, just a little bit pink he said, which is good. Landon has been his old self again, which is nice ... playing and having fun. He's got a bruise on his forehead where he fell on his head last night (poor monkey!), but that doesn't seem to have slowed him down any! LOL

My cold is still here, but I feel better today than yesterday. I think the humidifier in our room last night helped a lot.

I'm off to clean clean clean today (ugh). Everyone gets here Sat YAYAYAYAYAY


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