Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas was GREAT!!

What a wonderful Christmas time ... everything was absolutely wonderful! Everyone arrived on Saturday, left this morning :-( Landon sat looking out the front door this afternoon, like he was asking "hey, where'd everyone go?"
And were we spoiled -- Landon got Little People barn, truck and loading dock, a dumptruck and story book from his cousins, a sled from Grandma and Grandpa, blocks, clothes, shoes, "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornament ... aiaiai. He was one spoiled little monkey!! He enjoyed opening his gifts, well, the first few anyways. After a couple he was hungry, so we took a break for some breakfast. Then he opened a few more, and that was the end. Too much paper and stuff going on. So he had a nap, and we all opened our gifts. Everyone got beautiful things and it certainly made me reflect on how lucky we are to have loving family to spend Christmas with, and we are so fortunate to have the means to share lovely gifts.

And EAT! Man have we eaten well the past few days :-) John was waiting for that time when we would eat and then sit around like over-stuffed grizzly bears!! Well that definitely described the last few days! LOL It was all so good. I am very grateful for the help from my mom, sister and Aunt though - I don't think I am practiced enough to have done all of the cooking myself :-P

So it was absolutely wonderful ... what a great Christmas!! I have lots of pics - will post soon (I tried, but I think lots of people must be posting pics because I had trouble). Trish is coming to visit tomorrow, so I'll try doing some pics in a couple of days.

Oh yeah - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLA - you old bag! LOL Hope you're having a couple for me tonight :-)

Take care....TK

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