Monday, March 26, 2007

Cute little bugger...

Even when not covered in mud, Landon is pretty darned cute. He has been enjoying his new 'toy' -- John bought a bike pump last week, and Landon has been carting that thing around since he discovered it. He can even pump it!! You can see by the outfit that that picture was taken before he went to play in the mud :-)
And this morning Landon was too cute for words, sitting on the floor playing with John's backpack. He chewed, chewed, chewed the straps! I took some pics, because he looked so adorable.
Now he's a snoozer-bug ... having quite a long nap for some reason. Hopefully he'll wake up soon. I've taken to enjoying eating eggs for lunch with Landon - and he LOVES eggs too, which is good :-)

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