Saturday, March 10, 2007

Weights and Measures...

I forgot to include Landon's new stats :-) He weighed in at 23 pounds, 14 ounces, and is 29 3/4" tall (which we already knew because Grandma had brought up the height chart she quilted for him, and we did his measurements the night of his birthday).

So he's kind of reversed himself now. He used to be 75th percentile for height, 50th for weight. Now he's 50th percentile for height, 65th for weight.

We got him down ~an hour earlier tonight than has been usual, so hopefully we won't suffer too much with the daylight savings tonight. One less hour of sleep :-( We'll be up at 8 tomorrow, which will by 9 with DST ...

That's the stats for today...TK

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