Saturday, March 10, 2007

The days *after* a birthday...

Well, Landon's life has slowed down a bit since his birthday celebrations :-) But that's ok because he has soooo many new toys to play with!! Yesterday a new one arrived - another ride-on car from Aunty Tanya, Verral, Aunty Carla and Uncle Dave and boys, Aunty Tash and Savannah!! This one is based on Tater from the movie Cars, and Landon fell in love with it as soon as I pulled it out of the box. It has so many sounds and buttons to push - he's been bonkers for it!! LOL Little spoiled stinker-pants!! aiaiaiai Thanks for the gift guys!

Thursday we went swimming - Landon really enjoyed it. He practised putting his head under the water, even sometimes dipping his face in by himself. And he would sort of walk off the edge of the pool to me (my hands never left him, but he'd stand and then kind of lean in and lift one foot, and I'd pull him into the water - making a big deal like he'd jumped to me!). I can see that swimming will be a fun time for Landon ... and I enjoyed the hot tub afterwards!

Landon got his 12-month shots yesterday. First time for needles in his arms, and did he howl :-( Poor guy - even mom almost started crying because I hate needles that much too!! But he got over it pretty quickly because the nurse had a puppet that made noises for him. The side-effects are different for these needles though (MMR and chickenpox vaccines) ... they won't happen for the first 5 days, but then he could get a fever and a rash or chicken pox-like spots. Just in time for us to go to Grandmas .... my oh my!! Hopefully he's not a miserable monkey at the farm :-/

we've been easing Landon into the daylight savings that occurs tonight. This morning he was up at 8:30, and tomorrow will be 8 which will actually be 9 once we move the clocks ahead one hour. It hasn't been too bad, especially since John got up with him this morning and I got to sleep in. But I'll have to get my butt out of bed tomorrow too :-P

I'm thinking I might start weaning Landon soon. He nurses in the morning and at night now. But I think my nursing him at night actually kind of stimulates him. Whenever John puts him down (without nursing obviously), Landon seems to go to sleep easier and faster. So maybe we'll have to get rid of that nursing. He does still love the morning nursing, but not as much as before, and I think he may just stop that one on his own. Especially if I give him cereal and milk before nursing ... I think eventually that will just satisfy him. Hard to think of life without nursing after a year of it!! LOL But it's nice to think of life without nursing too .....

That's the news from here. It's another GORGEOUS day out ... we'll have to get outside this afternoon for awhile. I think the wind may even have died down a bit. That's the catch here -- the temperature is wonderful, but the wind is bad (due to the Chinooks). So it's usually very nice but very windy ... well so far anyways. Hopefully the summer won't be so windy (??).

Until next time....TK

1 comment:

niknac said...

You will be praying for some wind in the summer, of course not the winds we have been having but definatley something. It get upto 40 in Medicine Hat so don't know how much different Calgary will be.