Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Running around!!

We have to admit it --- Landon is full-fledged running these days :-) All over the place. He runs when we 'chase' him, he runs to chase us, he runs to see what we're doing, he runs to climb the stairs anytime the gate's open. He just runs, runs, runs. *sigh* I'll be glad when the yard's fenced, then he can run, run, run outside!! Of course, a fence wouldn't have helped today, with the snow falling all day. It's a beautiful wintery-wonderland out there right now!! But I saw that it was already starting to melt this evening, so I'm sure it'll all be gone in the next 24 - 48 hours :-)

Today Landon's favourite toy was a water bottle with Cheerios inside that rattled every time he shook it. Pretty cute!! Then this evening he loved some old maps that John had found and put in the living room. He got them all spread out, then sat on them and played with another map -- making crinkly sounds and grabbing the edges etc. Funny little bugger!! I love watching him play with new things!

and he's a stair climber. No fear when it comes to climbing! Just goes right on up, whether we're there behind him or not! He's actually really good at it now, it's just that as soon as he gets to the landing he stands up and he's on the very edge of the top stair still. Gives me heart attacks! But when he gets to the very top of the stairs he crawls away before standing. I guess he's still anxious at the very top, but doesn't associate the landing with falling so isn't as insecure. In any case, we can't leave the gate open for even a second as he'll be climbing those stairs as soon as he sees a chance. LOL

Oh yeah, we went to aquasize this morning. I hadn't even gotten fully in the pool yet and Landon was trying to climb down out of my arms to get in the water! I thought he might be a bit tentative because it's been a couple of weeks. Nope! He wanted right in there. He was good for the whole class, but was very tired by the end as he's getting up about an hour earlier than he used to and the class cuts into naptime. So he had a good snooze when we got home.

Well that's the news from here today! Until next time...TK

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