Saturday, March 24, 2007

Temper Temper

Well, Landon is definitely trying out this new 'temper' thing. *sigh* When he doesn't get his way, he gets frustrated and voices it, loudly. Stinker! He wanted to walk on the street ... aiaiaiai Then he was playing in the mud, something ticked him off (I think he was cold, as he was wet and muddy head to foot -- pictures will come when I get them loaded), he was yowling that I thought the neighbours would call the cops! *shaking head* I didn't think this 'stage' would arrive quite yet - I thought maybe in a few months ... not now :-/ Ah well. We just keep trying to distract him, and hopefully he'll find patience someday soon. It just seems like everytime we turn around he's squawking over something. And when we pick him up he jerks around ... aiaiaiaiai

We did have a pretty good day though. He walked down the sidewalk a ways, and we visited some neighbours hosing off their driveway. He played in the mud in the back -- head to toe. His favourite 'game' was running down the slope until he crashed. Many, many faceplants!! He laughed and laughed. I think we've got a daredevil on our hands....
We got cleaned up from those excursions, but he loves to go outside and always wants to go out. It's so beautiful, we had the patio door open all day. Luckily he doesn't try to go through the screen on his own (unlike Carla). We will have to install a gate on the stairs and let him play out there, at least until we get a fence built :-)

That's the news from here today ... until next time. TK

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