Thursday, March 22, 2007

Have baby, will travel....

Landon was an ANGEL for Grandma and Grandpa. Much to my relief!! He went to bed 8 - 8:30, slept until 8 am. Napped beautifully. What a kid. I got home, he went to sleep at 10 pm Sunday night!! *shaking head* But at least he adjusted very well to new sleeping arrangements (even the ringing of the fax at Grandma's house!). He liked the play pen at Grandma's, and didn't have any trouble sleeping in the new Pack-n-Play from Carla at Carla's house. I think it's partly because there's so much to do when we're visiting. He LOVES Ryder, and followed him around everywhere, trying to imitate whatever he was doing.

Now Dudley --- heh heh --- I think he wasn't sad to see Landon go! The first night Landon picked him up by the tail. After that they weren't friends. By Tuesday morning they had learned to co-exist. Landon didn't get too frustrated when Dudley ran away, and Dudley learned just how fast to run to not get caught. Lulu (at Carla's) was much less worried, as she's very used to kids playing with her. When she just stood there waiting to be petted (or whatever this kid was going to throw at her), Landon didn't know what to do. He just stood there flinging his hands, and when I grabbed his hand to pet her, he made a fist and wouldn't open it up. Monkey.

Landon certainly doesn't make strange either. We went to Grandma Masson's funeral on Thursday - I thought he may get overwhelmed. But nope. He went up to everyone with his arms out 'pick me up'. and he was even pretty good in the church - luckily I had toys, Aunty Vonnie beside me to help, and Uncle Slug entertaining Landon behind me. And the service was short (very nice, but short) which was good. At Carla's he just trucked around after the kids ... not too worried about anything except keeping up.
And when I was in Minot, he didn't fuss when I left, and was so-so in the excitement category upon my return. I was definitely more distraught than he was! Mom said Saturday morning he was a bit lost, kind of wandering around looking for me. But that was it. I guess he was confident that I'd be coming back.

It feels good to be home though. Sleeping in my own bed ... aaaahhhhh. I think Landon is glad to be home, but is somewhat bored. After running around to play with all of his toys last night and this morning, this afternoon he's kind of like 'what now' ... needing some action! lol Oh well ... it's nice NICE weather out so we'll spend lots of time outside all weekend.

Until next time....TK

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