Sunday, March 04, 2007

Stairs, Swimming and Spring (coats)...

Busy weekend for us. Aunty Laura was here for the weekend (taking a course in reflexology ... John and I got to be guinea-pigs last night and it was GREAT!!). We had a very nice visit with her, and we look forward to her coming back in early May for session 2 of her course! And hopefully we'll get some more 'practise' foot rubs along the way :-P

Landon had a weekend up downs and ups. Friday night was a bit bumpy, as he took a tumble down the stairs :-O He went from the bonus room to the landing in two good bumps. We are soooo relieved that he was sitting at the bottom crying when it was done, and amazingly nothing was too hurt, aside from a bit of carpetburn on the forehead. Within about 15 minutes he was running around and playing again like nothing had happened. *shaking head* It definitely traumatized us more than Landon. I think we are lucky that the stairs are carpeted (or 'comfy' as Ryder would say).

On the upside, Landon passed his 'Starfish' swimming lessons Saturday morning :-) He's gone from being so scared he wouldn't let go of me to 'swimming' in the river (face down, drinking some water with his arms splashing and legs kicking), dunking his face in the water (sometimes on his own, sometimes with mom's help), and even letting mom help him float on his back (for a few seconds only!). He got a sticker and everything :-) The next level is Duck, and he can't take those lessons until he's 18 months, so we have a few months of swimming for 'fun' before he gets enrolled in lessons again.

Aunty Laura brought Landon his birthday gift this weekend too -- a spring coat and pants outfit -- Tigger racing team, and he loves it!! We had to exchange it today for a smaller size (we got an 18 month size, so hopefully he can wear it for quite awhile). Tonight I took the tags off and he sat on the floor playing with the coat for about 20 minutes (and these days Landon doing anything for 20 minutes, especially when it doesn't directly involve us, is unusual!). I took some pictures, it was pretty cute.

John's friend Matt was stranded in Calgary Friday night on his way to San Fransisco, so we had a chance for a quick visit with him. He did get going on his way Saturday late afternoon, and we haven't heard so are thinking he made it down there finally :-)

That's about it for news here. Landon continues to keep us quite busy, and fully entertained. He's been practising his glass-breaking screams, so that's joyous. And he's eating more and more of our food, which continues to make mealtimes easier (and messier). Bananas are still #1, and if we'd let Landon shove an entire banana in his mouth at once, he would. Lord knows he tries hard enough as it is!

Hope everyone is doing well. Will post soon, hopefully get some pics up! Take care...until next time! TK

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