Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday Tuesday...

Good day today - Landon enjoyed aquasize, although he didn't have the car 'boat' so he wasn't as completely relaxed as usual :-/ But it was still good. I'm very stiff though, doing weights last night and then aquasize today was not a good move...

I've been forgetting to mention Landon's most astonishing feat so far. Not only can Landon stand up without using anything for support (i.e. get to standing in the middle of the room), but he can do it without using his hands! Yup - he just puts one foot down while on the other knee, and then stands himself up! Even I find it hard to do that!! I think this must've come about as he always seems to be carrying something very important ... like a plastic container, or a slipper, or maybe a cracker... Our little monkey.

We watched a documentary tonight -- The End of Suburbia I think it was called. http://www.endofsuburbia.com/
It was good we thought - focusing on the impending depletion of our oil reserves and our need to find alternative energy sources. James Howard Kunstler was pretty comical with his remarks, in a scary sort of way (he states that we're heading for a $hitstorm). If you get a chance to watch, I'd recommend it. The Corporation is coming up shortly too, so I'll likely watch that one again, just to keep myself duly distressed and depressed.

I had a new friend over for coffee today ... Tasha. Met her in aquasize. It was soooo nice to get a chance to visit with a girlfriend - even if most of the visiting was over trying to keep our monkeys in control! Campbell is 7 months, and not mobile yet, so mostly it was keeping Landon from causing any harm. Funniest thing though - this Landon who hasn't been a soother kid stole Campbell's soother straight off, and I had to give him his own soother for when he was playing and he still kept trying to get Campbell's. Little stinker-pants -- didn't want a soother for 10 months, and now he's stealing any soother he sees :-/ *shaking head*

That's the news here....hope all is well! Until next time....TK

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