Saturday, February 10, 2007

YAY - Swimming!

Landon enjoyed swimming lessons this morning, it was great! He sort of floated on his tummy, on his back (as long as his head is by my chest, he'll relax on his back), and he even put his face in the water!! Not his whole head (yet), but I dunked his face about 5 times, and no crying :-D I was very proud of him. He even kept him mouth relatively closed ... heh heh ... so no water spouting when he came up either! lol
It only took about 10 minutes for him to relax and start enjoying himself and splashing around today ... so it was lots of fun. He was 'swimming' when we went through the river - I had him on his tummy, and he had his legs straight out to the back (versus hanging down like usual), and he was moving his arms and kicking like he was really trying to swim. That and he was trying to drink the water :-/ But I was very very proud of him - he made a big improvement over the past weeks! Must've been the close to 12 hours of sleep he got last night :-)

So he's down for a good nap now - he's so tired when we get home from swimming ... I nurse him and he can barely keep his eyes open for 2 minutes. So sweet. John's having a snooze too as he worked out while Landon and I were swimming.

Even I made a trip to the gym this week - once. Last night, I rode the bike for awhile. It was nice to do some straight cardio for once ... it's been quite awhile! It's quite a nice facility, hopefully I'll get chances to go much more often.

Yesterday Landon got a nice surprise in the mail. Grandma Leisle sent him some books ... Goodnight Moon and Alligator Pie, very nice to get in the mail. Landon was FAR too hyper last night to really enjoy them, but maybe today he'll be more calm.
Last night he was bonkers -- he was turning circles all over the living room, jumping over John and I, 'running' while holding on to furniture and then doing face-plants. He was so hyped up, it was pretty funny. The good part about that is that he went to sleep ~9:30, and slept until 9 this morning! He did wake up a few times over night, I heard him cry out and grunting, but that's it. What a monkey! When he's up and playing, he's playing HARD. There's no slow-motion for Landon these days. I think it's being sooooo close to walking - must be very exciting to be so close to that much more mobility....

That's the news here. We'll be trying another bath today - so we'll see where we're at with those fears. I've been 'playing' at the tub with Landon, having him stand outside the tub I'll turn it on, splash around a bit. He's not scared of the water, and wants to play with the water and the toys. It's either the drain or the faucet or the tap ... not sure which one. I'm thinking either the tap or the faucet, as the drain doesn't seem to bother him too much. But we'll just keep trying and taking it slow ...

That's it ... hope all is well with everyone! Until next time...

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