Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bathtub saga continues...

Landon still isn't too fond of the tub. Tonight he cried when we first put him in we had to take it really (REALLY) slowly. First he just sat on my lap with both arms around my neck (in case I thought I might move...), I splashed. Then I was able to set him down, he would stand at the side of the tub and watch me play with the toys (a glass and a rubber ducky). He started moving his hands in towards the tub, so I put him in. He was very hesitant ... but sat for about 30 seconds before panicking. I pulled him out and consoled him, and repeated the process. The next time he stayed in long enough to be washed ... even his hair and I just dumped a glassful of water over his head and he was fine with that. So he was in there likely 8 or 10 minutes. He was just starting to get that panicked look again so we pulled him out. *shrug* We made a big deal of him being such a big boy having a bath, and were all smiles and stuff when we pulled him out. So we'll see what the next bath brings I guess...

Other than that - pretty nice, slow Sunday. We went sledding, Landon did some 'downhill sledding' ... he's still pretty much "meh" with the whole thing. He did stretch himself right out the back of the sled too, twisted just enough to do a faceplant in the snow :-) It was pretty funny to watch. We just let him get his bearings on the ground, he was on hands and knees, and eventually kind of stood up. He didn't cry or anything ... I think it was more of a 'what the hell happened here?' Heh heh But he stayed in the sled after that.

Bad news on the dental front for me ... I have a cracked tooth that will need to be crowned. The dentist in Wpg did some sort of gluing thing that hasn't worked, so it's crown time for me. After insurance approves it we'll get to work ... likely 2 to 6 weeks. *sigh* Must've been all those beer bottles I opened with my teeth.

That's the news from here ... nice and toasty warm (love Calgary) ... hopefully Landon will go to sleep soon (was 11:50 last night!!), and we'll get shortly behind him. TK

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