Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday Report

Landon is a stinker-bug - too damned cute for his own good! LOL He loves getting chased around ... squealing and screaming all over the house. And he's started to chase us back now too, which is pretty cute. What it does mean is that we'd better eat our supper at the same time as Landon or we don't get a chance to eat in peace. As soon as he's done he wants to be chased around all evening long! *shaking head* That gets hard on mom's knees! LOL

Swimming lessons were fun today, it's great to see such improvement in Landon in the water. Next week is our last lesson, so I'm contemplating signing him up for another session. We'll see. I'm definitely signing up for another session of aquasize though - I'm enjoying that too much to drop it now.

Not much else is news here. Just chasing Landon around all day and wondering who's going to do my housework for me. *sigh* Hope all is well with everyone...TK

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