Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Guess who's WALKING! Yup - Landon started walking on the weekend. He was taking a few steps Saturday, but on Sunday he really started steppin' it up :-) And he's been very busy practising ever since! It's so cute to watch, all stiff-legged, almost like a robot imitation! LOL We are really enjoying it.
Of course with more (and taller) mobility comes more bumps and bruises. He got a good bruise on his ear on Monday, smacked his face on the table leg last night, and cut his eyelid somewhere in all of this. We usually have a couple of good sets of tears throughout the day :-(

Sunday my old friend Nikki, her husband Fabian, and their kids Taylor (2.5) and Eastynn (8 weeks) stopped by for the day. It was so nice to visit with Nikki again, and to meet the rest of the her family! Taylor is adorable, babbling and playing. She calls all baby boys 'Sy', and all women 'mom', makes me giggle. We had fun watching Landon watching her ... whatever toy Taylor had, Landon wanted! And Eastynn -- so little and sweet and adorable! I certainly don't remember Landon being so small, even though I know he was! It was great to have them here, and hopefully we'll get to visit with each other more often now that we're in the same province!!

My birthday was fine yesterday - pretty relaxing. Landon and I went to aquasize, where he relaxed in his car-boat (such a monkey), and then we practises swimming again. Then we hung out at home all day, as it was pretty chilly still. John made me a wonderful dinner last night, and I am the proud owner of a beautiful new jewellery box too :-) Lucky and spoiled, that's me!!

Today is again a pretty quiet day. Landon and I may venture out for some groceries. Uncle Bob and Aunty Rosemary are coming this weekend, and we'll want to eat something I'm sure. Landon's just busy walking everywhere he can (whenever he falls, he looks to see if we've been watching him, like "did you see that?"). I play volleyball tonight, which I'm looking forward to.

That's about it from here. Sorry it's been so long ... I've been having trouble posting (I write it all, then there's some error and everything's lost). Very frustrating!! Hopefully these problems get fixed soon! Take care....until next time! TK

PS Oh yeah, on the bath front - I think we've solved the scaries. We put a sock over the faucet ... now Landon seems to be okay in there. Phew! Two good baths so far, thanks to the sock! LOL

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