Saturday, February 03, 2007

Swimming was fine...

Landon managed swimming just fine - no hysterics, no drama... So it was the tub last night. We didn't bath him tonight, we will tomorrow and we'll see if the tub's still very scary.

We learned at swimming today that Landon does not have the 'close-mouth' reflex that most kids have at his age (he must be very advanced...) ... given this picture, are you surprised? LOL (this was taken back in October in front of our house in Wpg ... he just looks like such a dope ... tee hee, I love it!).
So he doesn't close his mouth, when I put him under water he comes up with water pouring out of his mouth :-/ The instructor said to take it slow, not to dunk him right under quite yet, and hopefully he'll 'learn'. heh heh ... he'll learn all right! aiaiaiai What a monkey .... So we'll by trying that.
Other than that - the day's been good, somewhat lazy. John bought a 4-month membership at the gym, so now we GOTTA go... Hopefully we can go tomorrow :-) I'm looking forward to doing some cardio ... even though it will likely exhaust me.
And...Landon is still awake. I can hear him playing in his crib :-/ He was soooo tired when we put him to bed, but then he gets in there and it's playtime! I think he likes it because it's quiet, he can kind of sit and play ... maybe when he's fussing at night it is because he wants to go play in his crib by himself :-? who knows ... He should go to sleep soon ... I can hear him babbling, and that's usually a sign that sleep is just around the corner.
Hard to believe he's almost 11 months already! aiaiaiai Where has the time gone?
Anyways, that's the quick post for tonight...later...TK

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