Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday update...

Blogger has been acting up lately, my last 2 attempts have not posted. So this will be short because I'm sick of repeating everything (even though this is the first you're seeing of it!).
Dinner was wonderful - at the Keg. It was so nice for John and I to go out together and not worry about Landon :-) We even had wine with dinner!!
Landon behaved pretty well for Wes, he was a bit whiny, but he's always whiny!! And he gave Wes a big pooey pants too, which was good practise for Wes I guess :-P

Things have been well the past few days. I played volleyball Wed night - it was nice to get out there again. It's not that good of volleyball, but at least I can get on the court and I won't be too rusty for my much anticipated trip to Minot in March :-)

Landon has been the usual, although he went to sleep for John soooo well the other night - at 9:30. But it might've been because he'd had 3 melt-downs that night (while I was at v'ball) that tired him out so much that he went to sleep 'early'. The other nights it's been ~11 pm, although we've been putting him to bed between 9:30 and 10 :-/ He plays quite happily in his crib, then goes to sleep ~11. Again, the talk of getting him up earlier has come up, so that maybe, just maybe, he'll go to sleep ~9-ish again (?). He's been napping fairly well though, 1 - 1.5 hours each time. And he's enjoying his crib, which is good. He's a tummy sleeper now (no wonder he was sick of the Amby!!) ... well sort of tummy. He either falls over while sitting on his bum, or has his knees under him and his face planted in the bed. So not really on his tummy ... maybe I should call him a face sleeper! lol

That's the news from here. The wind has finally gone down, and we have beautiful, snowy winterland again :-) I do have to admit that I love the snow. Hopefully it'll warm up shortly and we can take Landon for a sled-ride :-) Take care...TK

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