Thursday, February 15, 2007

Funny Landon...

I just love every day with this kid ... he's always doing something new :-)
When he wants to stand up and use the couch to help him, he crawls towards the couch until his head hits it, then he knows he's close enough so he lifts his head and then uses the couch to stand up. Must be so much easier than lifting his head while crawling...ahem. I think he does it because when he just puts his head down and crawls he can crawl faster!
Today he was 'helping' me with laundry - he loved playing with the dirty laundry. *shaking head* Pulling stuff out of the washer as I put it in ...

I had to drive to the health clinic today to fill out a form so that they can phone me for an appointment for Landon's 1 year shots. Does that make sense ... drive there so that they can phone me? hoo boy!

Happy birthday to T -Gall today :-)

Happy birthday to Aunty Tanya and Aunty Liz tomorrow :-)

All us Aquarian gals ... heh heh

Not much news really. It's nice out finally ... I felt so much more energetic today with the nicer weather and the sun out. Even shovelled the driveway and sidewalk so that we don't get fined (walks have to be shovelled within 24 hours of snowfall, or you risk a $150 fine and if the city has to come out and shovel for you they charge $100 per hour!). Also bought groceries, excitement here, let me tell you!!

That's the news ... until next time! TK

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