Friday, February 02, 2007

Finally - asleep before 11

Landon made it to sleep before 11 pm tonight - YAY He had two shorter naps today (45 mins and 1 hour), so perhaps that helped? But at least he'll have a good sleep before going go swimming in the morning.
I'm worried about the swimming - Landon freaked out in the tub tonight. Don't really know exactly why - I'm thinking it stems from him getting scared in the tub on Wed night (John blew his nose and Landon flipped). Tonight we put him in and he started crying so we pulled him out. John got in, but that didn't help. Finally I got into our bathtub off of our room ... he sat on my knee for awhile, and when I splashed the water with my fingers he relaxed a bit, and after about 10 minutes he would sit in the water. By the end he splashed around and played a bit, but he was still reaching around for me like he was scared *shrug* I've read that kids around the age may suddenly be scared or fearful of something that has never bothered them before - so maybe this is it. Or maybe the nose-blowing incident was much more traumatic than we realized. Poor little stinker-bug. So now I have no idea what to expect tomorrow morning - I will try to get there early to get him acclimatized to the water slowly. That's about all I can do - and if he's scared, then I guess we skip the lesson. I don't want to skip aquasize though if I can help it ... I really do enjoy that class.

That's the news from here tonight ... just water scares and a bit better of a bedtime :-) Later...TK

1 comment:

niknac said...

Taylor went through that when she was about 18 months, hopefully it is not to the same degree. Bath was a huge ordeal and was done only when absoultely nescessary. But she just slowly grew out of it but good luck.