Thursday, February 22, 2007

Landon has taken to this walking thing extremely well -- like there was every any doubt :-P He is walking everywhere now, only resorting to crawling if he's getting tired. And he carries everything with him wherever he goes. Today he took his jammies out of the drawer and took of to our room - to leave them in the middle of the floor, pick up something else and come back to his room. It's like he's running off with newfound treasures all day long!
We went shopping today - bought a couple of french doorknob 'locks' ... particularly for the door leading to the basement. Of all the toys in the store he was most enthralled with a soft ball, so that's the treat he got today :-) He's been carrying that around, chewing on it, and chasing it all over the house. Good deal for $2.99!! lol And a new book today too, the board book "Are You my Mother?" I saw it and remembered how I liked it as a child, so we bought it. He was very excited when we got to the book section - he spends nice quiet times 'reading' throughout the day, which mommy likes too.

The bath seems to be 100% okay again. We are still using the sock on the faucet, but tonight he was trying to pull it off. So he must be over the big scare...*shrug* Thank goodness.

That's the news from here for today. Hope all is well with everyone! until next time...TK

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