Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tuesday night...

And it's snowy outside. It'll be messy tomorrow - first freezing rain, then snow... YUCK! Much better than Winnipeg though -- heh heh. Hello to all our freezing friends back there ... aiaiaiai!!

Life is just going along these days. Landon is cute as can be - of course. Aquasize was fine today - no freak-outs in the pool. He just laid back in his little car-boat floaty thingy ... all relaxed, watching the ceiling or whatever happened to catch his eye. It was pretty cute to watch him, he hasn't been that relaxed for that long and still awake for I don't know how long!! LOL Because when he's awake these days, he's pretty darned busy. There's so much to do ... chase things around that he bats with his hands, explore toys in many different ways, wrestle with his stuffed animals (the turtle from Granddad and Grandma is a most recent favourite), and of course practise walking. He has taken a few steps successfully before crashing down on his butt - so we're thinking it won't be much longer now. Tonight he took about 4 steps. Big Boy! He's using his push-toy activity walker a bit more now, sometimes pushing it the proper way, sometimes backwards, sometimes pulling it while he walks backwards. I think once he catches on to walking, he'll be 100% full-steam ahead, just like crawling. *sigh*

He had a bath tonight. He didn't like it, but he had one. John said he sat in the tub scared stiff, his heart racing. He made it for a few minutes, then started crying so out he came. But he did sit in there, so that's a start... We'll just keep being patient I guess.

And more often Landon is eating meals of 'real' food (not jarred foods). Last night and tonight, including 'real' beef too. He wasn't too keen on the roast tonight, I think that's pretty tough for him to gum down, but he liked the scramble-fried beef last night. He's eating lots more though .. .little piggy. He LOVES bananas ... we pull a banana out and he starts fidgeting around. Then you'd better not mess around, because he wants the banana NOW. lol

That's the news ... John wants the computer, so I'm off. until next time...TK

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