Monday, February 26, 2007

Hard day on the coconut...

Landon had a pretty rough day for his head today. First of all he pulled John's bedside table over onto himself this morning, which in itself didn't hurt too much. But the lamp on the table slid off and smacked him in the head ... left a bruise in the middle of his forehead at the hairline :-(
Then he was playing with the laundry room door - trying to open it while walking backwards (opening and closing doors is another favourite game - so far so good, no pinched fingers ... yet). He tripped over a boot, sat down and then smacked the side of his head on the corner of the door. That one got a few more tears than the lamp...
And the final blow was this evening. He was playing piano with John, and decided he'd see what happens when he pulls on the music stand / keyboard cover. He pulled right down across the bridge of his nose. Now that got the most tears of all three episodes. He cried so hard ... he was barely making sounds :-( Poor little bruiser. We felt his nose before putting him to bed ... he let us touch it and didn't cry, so I'm saying nothing's broken (thinking back to my broken nose, you wouldn't have come within 10" of touching it the night I broke it!).

So our bruiser is blue and purple all over his face tonight :-( *shaking head* Makes me wonder about what joys (and colours) are ahead of us!

I talked to Aunty Laura today and she'll be in town this weekend for a course, so we'll get to spend some time with her. That's a nice surprise -- I'm looking forward to having her here for the weekend. Then my mom and dad are coming on Tuesday for a couple of days, to help us celebrate Landon's first birthday -- I can hardly believe it!! An entire year chasing after this stinky-pants! aiaiaiaiai

Well, that's the news from here....hope all is well. I'll post soon, and maybe I'll even take some pics and get them posted. I've been slacking in that department it seems! Take care...TK

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