Thursday, February 08, 2007

11 months old...

Well, Landon is officially 11 months old (yesterday). So very hard to believe! So much has happened over the past 11 months ... but I'll leave the full reminiscing for the one year post ;-)
Here are a couple pics of my sleeper-head. He still likes to sleep with the blanket over his face :-P If he's on his back, his face is usually buried some way or other, and if he's on his tummy (or knees + face), his face is either buried into the mattress, a blanket, or the bumper pads. Too funny. I love it.
I was spying on him in his crib when he went down for his nap this morning. He had been playing in there for awhile, I wanted to see what he was doing. He was sitting up trying to play, but his eyes kept closing. So he'd rub them, try to play with the puppy or a blanket or something, and his eyes would go closed again...repeat. lol What a punkin ... he could've just laid down and gone to sleep, but no, he's gotta try to stay awake to keep playing! Made me smile.
That's the news for now ... not much happening, but I guess that's just the way it is this time of year :-) until next time...TK

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