Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Guess who loves being tossed!

Guess who loves to be tossed in the air!! With this game, mom and dad are sure to get nice strong arms in very short order!! LOL
Uncle Bob and Aunt Rosemary were here Sat through Mon for a visit. It was so nice to see them! Landon was in high gear, showing off his new-found abilities in the walking department.
Landon's favourite game these days is getting chased, or chasing, whichever he feels like at that moment. He squeals and screams - too funny. But it tires mommy out!! LOL
Swimming was fun - Landon will 'swim' on his front, the whole time trying to drink as much water as possible, splashing with his hands and kicking with his feet. Pretty fun ... and tiring for him too, as he has nice naps as soon as we come home!
I've been having trouble logging in to blog, which is why there's been a gap. I think I've got it figured out now, so hopefully I'll be able to post a bit more often. Until next time...TK

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