Monday, March 05, 2007

Stairs are scary, and we like to sleep in

Well, Landon definitely is not too fond of stairs these days. At first we didn't think he was too traumatized, but I noticed today that he is very wary of the stairs if the gate is open. When the gate's closed he's better, but not totally. I put him down at the top of the stairs in the bonus room (where he tumbled from) today ... he scrunched up his face (his 'I'm scared' face) and wouldn't move, just put his arms out for me to pick him up. I went down the stairs on my bum, holding him, but he wasn't happy. So I stood up again. He also wasn't very sure of himself in the hallway leading to the bedrooms, even with the gate closed. So I guess the tumble has put some fear of stairs into him ... poor little bugger!!

We've been sleeping in a lot the past week or so ... aiaiai. So Landon can quite easily sleep until 10 am again, but of course doesn't want to go to sleep until 11 pm. *sigh* I've got to get my ass out of bed earlier so that Landon gets up earlier. *shaking head* Daylight savings next weekend too ... that'll be a jolt, an hour sleep lost Saturday night. I will likely do it over two nights for Landon, 30 minutes earlier Saturday morning, 30 minutes earlier Sunday morning. Then we'll be on the same time as Sask ... YAY

I baked Landon's birthday cake tonight, and it fell :-( So I may just have to make a fresh attempt tomorrow morning. Or maybe I'll just ice it flat *shrug* Depends on how the morning goes I guess. I don't have aquasize this week, so it'll be the first Tuesday morning at home for quite awhile. We'll see....maybe Grandma will want to bake the cake ...? They'll be here tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure both Grandma and Grandpa are excited to see Landon and all of his new tricks -- like walking!! And plenty of babbling too :-) Landon will be very excited to see them too, he loves to have a fresh audience to show off for!

until next time...TK

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