Friday, February 19, 2010


We took Arlan to the doc again yesterday - he wanted to see him after 10 days of antibiotics. One ear is all cleared up, but the other is still a bit red :-( Poor guy - it's taking him a really long time! But the doctor said he can go swimming now, so we'll be able to make the last 2 weeks of swim lessons YAY

Last night Landon's laying in bed, not sleeping (well, technically he was building train tracks very quietly in his room, but we aren't supposed to know that). He calls out "Mom! I can't sleep!" I reply, "Landon just lay quiet and close your eyes, you'll fall asleep." A few minutes later I hear, "Mom, it's not working! My HANDS are still AWAKE!" Really - how do you answer that one!! John and I just giggled and told him to keep trying.

Arlan and Landon are mischief makers these days. Landon convinces Arlan to "come upstairs and play!" (it doesn't take much convincing ... Arlan bobs his head and toddles for the stairs immediately). They are giggling and laughing, there's much banging and bonking, I decide I have to go and see what they're doing (even though I hate to). If you can believe, they've stripped Landon's bed, and pulled the mattress off!! They have the mattress propped up against the boxspring, so that they can stand on the boxspring and jump on the mattress and sort of slide / fall down. Then they smack the closet doors and turn around to do it again. *sigh* Do you even bother trying to curb this fun??
No need, they eventually smash their heads together, or Arlan smacks his head on one of the many objects in the room. Invariably, Arlan cries for approximately 30 seconds, while Landon howls for 5 minutes or more because Arlan hurt himself! Landon maybe wasn't even involved in the injury, but he's the one crying the hardest :-/ Poor kid ... rough life he leads!!

So that's the news from here for today -- until next time...

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