Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hi again

Well, it hasn't been a month ... yet (Yvonne!), but it sure has been a long time. I want to get to bed, but I'll post a brief update.

Arlan is such a funny duck I can't get over it. He's learning how to jump now, and gets so excited he ends up spinning in circles and falling down more than he ever actually lands a jump. Come to think of it, I really should try to video tape that move - it's SO funny. He also imitates pretty much everything we say ... or at least the intonation. He continues with "noooooo" as an answer to every question, but now his favourite thing is to say "NOOOOW!" to Landon, particularly when I've just said something to Landon in a certain tone of voice meaning that I want him to actually do something. So Arlan walks around saying "NOOOW!" most of the day...

Landon is a stinker - I can't believe how big he's getting. He can officially get his own cereal in the mornings ... cheerios and milk :-) Which is nice, if a tad messy at times. He wants to do everything himself (I thought kids went through this at age 2, not almost 4!), including pouring milk from a full 4L container, stirring macaroni that's boiling, you know -- the fun stuff :-/ But he's still alive and not horribly scarred, so I consider it good thus far!

Landon's still enjoying preschool, and we signed him up for 3 days a week this fall. I like the "break", although I usually have something planned for those days. Right now Arlan is taking swim lessons Thursday mornings when Landon's at preschool. Arlan loves the water MORE than Landon, if that is humanly possible! He jumps jumps jumps. In his class, he's supposed to sit on the edge of the pool and it's a big advancement if he lets himself fall into the water without me holding his hands. Well, today Arlan was standing on the edge of the pool, half jumping (see earlier in this post), half falling into the pool - whether I was ready for it or not. He just loves it! So much so that when it was time for playing other games in the water he cried for the next 20 minutes! Wanting to jump in, then slide (which he actually yelled out "SLIIIII!!!"), and finally to go in the hot tub (which I complied with ... we skipped out a bit early).

Other than that - well, the kids are just busy. Landon's getting over a cold or flu; he had a fever for the 2 days we were in Swift Current, broke it last night when we got home (of course). Still has a cough, poor little bugger.
I am really noticing that the boys play together a lot more now. When Arlan is napping, Landon can just about drive me batty, but as soon as Arlan wakes up they are running around, destroying the house, and playing (of a sort). Arlan certainly holds his own now, and has learned to walk up and smack Landon as hard as Landon used to smack him. Now to teach Arlan that that isn't acceptable .... Landon is such a good big brother (at times), and is certainly enjoying having a little brother that can play (as opposed to just eat and sleep like baby brothers do).

So I'm off to bed. I'll try to post more frequently, and to get more photos up :-/ Just haven't been taking pictures. Although Landon has taken about 14, 167 with his camera cousin Kyle got the kids for Christmas. I won't bother posting them ... trust me on this one. G'nite! Until next time...

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