Thursday, February 11, 2010

A wee bit of the happy Arlan we saw tonight...

Yup, Arlan actually played a bit tonight! So I do believe he's on the mend, finally. This afternoon he wanted to walk at the mall (vs ride in the cart), so he did. [GORE ALERT -- You should be a mom before you keep reading, unless you like stories about snot!] But whenever he 'plays' or runs or jumps these days, he ends up in a coughing fit that causes him to puke. Yup - coughing his poor lungs out in the mall ... I felt so bad for him. He doesn't like, vomit ... just has to cough up the gobs of mucous sliding down his throat. When he can get it out, then he goes back to good.
But tonight he played for a bit after supper and didn't have such a bad coughing fit. I think it helped that I was able to suction his nose right away. You know it's bad when he actually wants his nose suctioned (we never did get to that point with Landon!) ... he just lays there quietly for me. Which is good, because it's effective.
Anyway, so Arlan actually played. He even ate a bit, but not much. Just no appetite with your stomach full of snot I guess. But it was nice to get out for a bit, if even to the mall. There's a play area there which Landon loves of course. It's the first time I had Arlan there - all he wanted to do was slide, but he's too small yet to climb to the top of it. So he was frustrated with that, poor kid. Life sucks for him these days. I was so proud of Landon though - when I said it was time to go, he came out, found his shoes, and away we went. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't thrilled and likely would've stayed there until he was 14, but there was not a melt-down, and for that I am happy!

I'm off to bed - hoping to sleep all night long. If it's not Arlan being sick, it's Landon needing us to take the monsters out from under his bed (that's easy enough to do, just put your hand out and they crawl into your lap; then you put them in the bathroom) or just wanting snuggles (which I don't mind usually, but I am tired these days! But I still do take the opportunity to snuggle!).
Until next time...

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