Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Better? YES!

I think Arlan's over this infection - although he does still dig his thumb into his eyes when he cries. We go to the dr again tomorrow afternoon, so we'll find out for sure one way or the other. It's too bad I didn't take him in a day earlier, because we are missing TWO weeks of swimming lessons (last Thursday and I really don't want to take him tomorrow morning either, just in case he still has infection :-( ). So ... I guess we miss two weeks. Poor kid - I think there are still two weeks left after that though, so we should be fine (he likely doesn't even notice it!).

It was finally nice here, just yesterday I commented on how it is starting to smell like spring. Well, that wrecked it all - woke up to about 3" of snow, and more fell throughout the day :-/ So we'll need to shovel again ... *sigh* We stayed in all day today, but tomorrow Landon has preschool again so we'll head out. Arlan and I will buy groceries while Landon's having fun :-)

Until next time...

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