Sunday, February 28, 2010

Puddle jumping :-)

It's puddle season ... or laundry season, whichever way you choose to look at it. The boys both had a ton of fun playing in the puddles with all the neighbour kids today! Arlan is so funny when he gets around other kids - he's so happy and amazed and just wants to participate :-)

Arlan's very favourite new thing is story time before bed. I started including him in the stories in Landon's bed. Now when it's bed time he's laying in there, with his blankie, all ready and waiting!! So sweet! Now to get Landon that ready and willing...

Other than that, we've been hanging out at home. With this nice weather, neither kid wants to fall asleep at night. you'd think more fresh air would mean easier bedtimes, but nope! Not in our house... Of course with Arlan he did sleep late this morning, and have a nice long nap, so that may contribute as well.

We bought Landon's b'day gift today - a 2-wheeler bicycle. I think he'll love it. Hopefully this nice weather holds out so he can start learning to ride it right away. Now I just have to get his party planned....cake, guests invited, etc etc ...
We also bought Landon a booster seat today. He's 40 lbs, and I think he's ready to be in a big-boy seat. I'm sick of strapping him into the car seat too, the straps barely fit around him he's getting so big! It'll be nice to just use the seat belt - hopefully he'll be able to do it himself.

We got rid of a bunch of baby toys etc this weekend too. The neighbours are expecting, so we off-loaded a pile. If they throw it away, I'm ok with that, as long as I don't have to!!

Anyways, that's the news from here for today ... until next time!

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