Saturday, February 06, 2010

Poor sick little Arlan

Well, Arlan now has whatever it was that Landon had last week. Poor little stinker. Last night he was up more than he was asleep. John and I took shifts - I had him until 5 am, then it was John's turn. We were up until 3 with Arlan staring at Treehouse. When he decided he wanted to get up and play with his school bus (busses are one of his absolute favourite things), I put him to bed. But he never slept for more than an hour at a time, so I was up at 4 with him, then John at shortly after 5, and 6, and 7.... Poor kid. The worst was this afternoon - so fevered, he just sat on me while we rocked in the chair. Thankfully Landon entertained himself for the most part - which he had to do as Arlan would cry so hard if I put him down and John was out. sometimes Landon comes through and is such a good kid it warms my heart.

So Arlan wakes every hour or so now, usually from coughing so hard he's gagging. But at least he's going back to sleep a bit better. He has been wanting his door open too. This started while we were in Swift. He has always slept in pitch black with his door closed. Now he'll fall asleep like that, but wake after a couple of hours and want the door open, preferably with a bit of light coming in. Something that is easily accommodated of course ... thankfully.

And Landon - such a good kid all day. I asked him to go upstairs to get Arlan a soother. As usual, I had to ask Landon about 6 times, and then finally tell him to go and get it, NOW. But he went, and came down with a soother a few minutes later. About an hour later I went upstairs, and I see that Landon had to MOVE the crib out away from the wall to get the soother that had fallen in behind it! Wow ... So I definitely made an even bigger deal of him being not only a good big brother helping mommy, but so determined.

But I had better get to bed to see if I can get some sleep tonight. I hear Arlan coughing again - hopefully he'll be able to get more sleep tonight too - he had such tired red eyes today :-( And I hope he recovers as quickly as Landon did.

until next time...

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