Sunday, February 07, 2010

Still sick :-(

Arlan's still sick -- coughing and snotty. Poor kid - he woke up with a bloody nose this morning. Not enough to be all over him and the bed, just his nose, but still. Still a bit of a fever, although we didn't have to treat it until later in the day. He napped for about 4 hours (up every hour for a soother plug, then back to sleep). Tonight he's struggling again - I sure hope he can get some sleep tonight. He did not too badly last night - up only once between 1 and 8 (although he was up frequently before that).

Landon still has the cough, but no fever and is pretty much his old self - a bit less energy (which is nice, to be honest). Tomorrow Landon and I are making cookies for his Valentine's party at preschool - heart-shaped cookies! He can cut them out and we'll decorate a few as well. Should be f-u-n...

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