Thursday, February 11, 2010

Not out of the woods yet, but I think I can see daylight...

Arlan isn't back to his old self quite yet, but he's on the mend by all appearances. His naps are still disrupted by coughing fits, but at night he's able to sleep through. And he's not quite as miserable as he has been - but there's still lots of cuddling required. The amount of snot coming out of his nose would choke an elephant - I can't blame him for being pissy!!

Landon's playing with him a bit nicer today too. Likely because I did the "toy swap". Brought the tote in from the garage and swapped toys out. So Landon feels like he's got all new toys today. I still hear wailing from Arlan every 5 minutes or so, but it's usually curtailed as Landon has finally learned that he doesn't get what he wants if Arlan's crying, so he's usually trying to give Arlan something to placate him. But not always, I just heard "You can cry ALL YOU WANT!" from Landon. Yes, the boys are in the basement playing -- it's nicer that way.

But I do think it's time to see what's what. Trying to get out to the mall for a quick shopping excursion this afternoon, and if we don't get going right smartly, we won't be going at all. Until next time...

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