Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Ear Infection!

Poor Arlan ... he has infection in BOTH ears :-( No wonder he's so pissy!!

He wasn't better this morning, so it was time to take him to the dr. We got an appt today, and what a gongshow it was. Doc appt was 20 mins late (which is very unusual in that office), then prescription took over 45 mins to fill (we'd been told it would be 20 mins). So our 'little outing' was almost 2 hours long ... at the end of the day ... with a screaming/fussy Arlan....and a cabin-fevered Landon. It was not fun. For any of us.

But we're home - Arlan has had 2 doses of antibiotics, plus some homeopathic earache meds to help combat the pain. He seems to be sleeping better so far (knock on wood). Let's hope that the meds will kick in and our happy baby can return tomorrow! Mommy needs that in order to maintain her sanity.

Landon had a Valentine's party at preschool today. He really enjoyed it, despite not wanting to go to preschool this morning. What amazes me is the amount of candy given away for Valentine's Day -- it's not Hallowe'en! He came home with a loot bag, which I get to fight with him over for the next few days ... thanks alot! We didn't even send V'day cards, I'm thinking we'll get that pleasure often enough in upcoming years, I don't need to jump into it quite yet...

Other than that - life is ticking along. I guess no swimming for Arlan this week, give his ears a chance to heal up. Maybe we'll do the play time at the gym on Thursday, both boys can have fun there since Landon doesn't have preschool. Spread our illnesses around a bit ...

until next time...

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