Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

Heeeeeere's the Birthday BOY!! Landon was all dressed up and showing off this morning already :-) This afternoon we are going to the zoo ... it's supposed to get to 12 above today, so we'll take advantage of the nice weather.
The chair -- a new favourite from Grandma and Grandpa for his birthday. Landon played with the chair all last night, tipping it over, sitting on it, pushing it around. I think this may be the hit of his birthday!!


Anonymous said...

He is just sooooo damn can tell by his pitures he is the life of the party.

JENN said...

HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY LANDON!!! It's amazing how fast time flys! Caelan just turned 1 on the Feb 14th and for his birthday we bought him the EXACT same LeapFrog table and he LOVES it, and he also has the EXACT same Thomas chair, which he also LOVES! Funny little guys!